The Lone Wolf Investing Model

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In this week’s episode, I talk about different investment models for investors who don’t necessarily have the time to be on the ground and make deals.

I also unpack the significance of choosing the right model for you based on the stage of life you’re in and how you can benefit from a community of like-minded individuals.

We cover:

  • the Lone Wolf model and how this is great when you’re starting out;
  • the “done for you” model and how taking a back seat could be detrimental; and
  • the “done with you” model and how learning from a network of investors can help you get on a track to wealth building where there’s a higher degree of certainty
Show Notes:

00:00:00 – Intro

00:00:52 – How Wealth-Building Evolves Over Time

00:03:14 – Why the Lone Wolf Model is Challenging

00:05:23 – The Limits of the Done-For-You Model

00:08:45 – The Benefits of the Done-With-You Model

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I want to share with you why I’m witnessing so many people struggling with the “do it yourself model” of wealth building and giving you some perspectives on what some of the other models out there look like to determine what best suits your circumstances.

The reality is when you start your journey creating wealth, you don’t necessarily have much money, but you have plenty of time and capacity to really study, digest and grasp all the different sources of information out there

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