Interview with Jane Benston, Women in Leadership Coach on Leaving the Corporate Rate Race, Health and Choice in Financial Freedom

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On this week’s episode, I interview my good friend Jane Benston. Jane is a passionate coach and mentor who helps women in leadership. As a corporate trainer and career strategist for over 20 years, Jane helps women unlock their limitless potential – both personally and professionally. Jane gave wonderful insights into her journey from investing in poddy calves to a “successful” corporate life to now running her own business coaching women in leadership.

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Show Notes:

00:35 – 01:38 Introduction

01:38 – 04:05 What did money mean to you growing up?

4:05 – 6:08 Do you think ‘get rich slow’ has served you or slowed you down?

6:09 – 8:40 How old were you when you started investing and why?

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Q: What did money and wealth mean to you growing up?

  •  Jane grew up as a farm girl
  •  Wealth was always something that was instilled as something to build into as sustainable but there wasn’t a lot of it
  •  It was always about putting money away for a rainy day
  •  Money was always something that was spoken about in terms of being careful with it
  •  Money was always something you had to work hard for and took long to get
  •  Money was always about having it one day rather than the present
  • But she always had money when it mattered
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