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Martin & Rebecca R., QLD
Salena’s shown us how to vet out our investments and to understand them and to be in the driver's seat of what's going on. We are the ones who are going to invest it to suit ourselves, not pass it on to someone else who's running a business and then charge us.
I found that, I have a new confidence that, if something was to happen, I would be able to take the reins
I'm excited. I'm looking forward to the investment opportunities and running them, building them up and making them a bigger portfolio. I'm excited about the different deals that are out there. They seem to be able to weather the problems better.
No matter what, if we get ourselves sorted, we'll be bullet proof and we'll be independent and we won't have to worry about money so much. That's what I'm looking forward to.
I would say to anybody thinking about their investments definitely have a chat with you and get on board.