Do Investing Results Deteriorate With Age?

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Welcome to the 151st edition of the Inkosi Wealth Scoop!

In this episode, I’ll explore whether our investment outcomes tend to diminish as we get older and offer three valuable principles to guide you in making wise investment choices, regardless of your age.

We cover:

  • The Scientific Correlation of Age and Investing
  • Lesson #1: Be a Lifelong Investor
  • Lesson #2: Use Your Youth to Do the Hard Yards
  • Lesson #3: Embrace Mindful Investing

If you’re an investor or a business owner who wants to learn how to use your age to your advantage when building your wealth, then make sure to listen to this episode! 

Show Notes:

00:00 Intro

01:57 Client Case Study #1

04:47 The Myth of Wanting Financial Independence

06:06 Would You Quit Work if You Could?

07:01 The Illusion of What Really Matters

08:28 The Gradual Path to Financial Independence

13:06 Final Thoughts

Have you ever wondered if your investing improves or deteriorates as you age?  

In today’s topic, let’s dive deeper into this question so you can make smart and practical decisions that will greatly help you in your wealth-building journey. 

But first, let me share a story that inspired this episode.  

I love playing games. But unfortunately, I don’t have many people around me who share that love.  

A few years ago, I bought a card game called Jungle Speed for my youngest son, who loved playing games back then. 

The game requires you to process patterns and similarities quickly, and it’s also a reflex game where you need to grab a totem when you see a match among the cards.  

One afternoon, my son and I played this game at home, and I struggled to keep up with him. He could beat me almost every time, and he found it hilarious how slow I was. 

As time passed, he lost interest in playing with me because winning all the time wasn’t fun for him. So we switched to chess, where I occasionally had a chance to beat him.

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